What is an Internet Protocol?
We all know that computers can understand only Binary language but human finds it difficult to understand Binary language.
- A protocol can be explained as it is a digital language through which we communicate with each other over the Internet.
- It is also called as the set of mutually accepted and implemented rules at the both ends of a communication channel.
- That is all the computers should follow a common set of rules if it want to perform any communication with other node.
- Example : if person A want to convey his idea to person B then both A and B should know a common communicating medium i.e. language. The communication becomes successful only when both of them knows a language in common,that language can be English,Tamil or any other language.
- Here the language refers to protocol,it should be known to sender as well as the receiver.
- Internet cannot be with out the Protocols.
Before we see about protocols we need to know about Layers of Network,
- The International Organization of Standardization (ISO) has developed a standard called Open Systems Interconnections (OSI) .
- It is a seven layer architecture.
- Whenever a person want to send and receive messages throughout the globe these 7 layers work together to achieve this.
Now lets customize the 7 layers in to 5 layers as follows to understand the concept easily,
- Application layer
- Transport layer
- Internet layer
- Link layer
- Physical layer
- The message the sender sends pass through this layers from top to bottom ,when it comes out of the last layer it will be as the packets.(the message is divided in to number of packets).
- Application layer: we uses the application layer to send the message.The protocols used in this layer are HTTP , FTP , DNS etc..
- Transport layer: This layer makes the messages in to data blocks(packets). The protocols used in this layer are TCP and UDP.
- Internet layer : This layer is used to deliver the data packets.The protocols used are IP , ICMP etc..
- Link layer : The packets are delivered through the link as frames.It is through ethernet , switches or bridges.
- Physical layer: It is the basic hardware of our computer network. it includes coax , Fibre , hubs ,repeaters ,wireless etc..
Note : lets discuss about each protocols in the next post on Internet Protocols explained....
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